It is the people who think about, create, and discover our science. So, please meet the Gardner Lab team!

Meet the Scientists

Quick description of the denizens of the lab. How many fellows, how many grad students, how many undergrads. Lab manager's role, define researchers, stuff like that. Buttons are links to profiles or CV.

Graduate Student

Amanda Bradley

Studying the role sumoylation plays in protein modification during environmental stress.


Graduate Student

Nicole Marsh

I investigate how stress alters the transcriptional and post-translational profile of cells.


Postdoctoral Fellow

Tim Mackie

I am interested in liquid-liquid phase transitions and how they change with age.


Lab Manager/Research Scientist

Heather Borror

I make the Gardner Lab run more smoothly, participating in research and maintaining inventory.


Undergraduate Researcher

Katie Mostoller

Working with yeast to discover new biology is my passion.



Richard Gardner, Ph.D.

Everything is my fault.






The love of shmoo is how we do science

We noticed that the budding yeast in our research resembles Al Capp's fictional cartoon character, the Shmoo, which debuted in the comic strip Li'l Abner in 1948. The cuddly creature wants nothing more than to be a boon to mankind. Shmooing is how we do science. Budding yeast gravitate towards each other in mating with a shmoo, much like we gravitate towards science. Our lab loves the shmoo metaphor, and it has become our unofficial mascot.


A conserved deubiquitinating enzyme uses intrinsic disordered regions to scaffold multiple protein-interaction sites. JBC 290: 20601-20612.

Dynamic sumoylation of a conserved transcription corepressor prevents persistent inclusion formation during hyperosmotic stress. PLoS Genetics 12: e1005809.


© 2020  Gardner Lab. All Rights Reserved

Richard Gardner

Department of Pharmacology

Box 357280

University of Washington

Seattle, WA 98195-7280

Beginner Courses

Donec elementum nec mi vel interdum. Aenean eu scelerisque tortor. Maecenas a tellus vitae tellus accumsan commodo venenatis non erat. Sed ut orci a diam malesuada scelerisque nec vitae risus. Nunc tempus sed enim ac finibus. Nam varius nibh ut massa ultricies venenatis.

Intermediate Courses

Donec elementum nec mi vel interdum. Aenean eu scelerisque tortor. Maecenas a tellus vitae tellus accumsan commodo venenatis non erat. Sed ut orci a diam malesuada scelerisque nec vitae risus. Nunc tempus sed enim ac finibus. Nam varius nibh ut massa ultricies venenatis.

Expert Courses

Donec elementum nec mi vel interdum. Aenean eu scelerisque tortor. Maecenas a tellus vitae tellus accumsan commodo venenatis non erat. Sed ut orci a diam malesuada scelerisque nec vitae risus. Nunc tempus sed enim ac finibus. Nam varius nibh ut massa ultricies venenatis.